Puri Puri Tales it's an online shop dedicated to selling Spanish books, traditional toys, and much more. We organize family events focus on storytelling and children's Spanish music in London. Puri Puri was born with the idea to create children and family-friendly space to share our culture.
“As a mother and ex-pats, I would like to teach kids to learn and listen to children's stories and Spanish songs. To be able to teach them our traditional songs and stories having fun. Connecting the parents to their childhood memories, and at the same time live our language and culture to the kids".
We know sometimes it's hard to raise bilingual kids. Even more, if we want them to speak Spanish. That's why we want to create this space to have fun and learn. We are offering Spanish books, resources (coming soon), sensory activities, live music, and storytelling for private and public events. (private parties available).
“La manzana se pasea” or “ Burrito Sabanero” is it sounds familiar?. We want the kids to have the chance to know more about where we come from. Puri Puri tales it's kids' events, workshops for all the family. Everyone, it's welcome too :)
We offer Family photography services to capture those special moments.
Ealing, London, UK
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